It is important that you are aware of the health of the gas line that delivers natural gas into your home. Through regular inspections, a need for repairs or replacement can be evident to homeowners. This can be dangerous if a problem persists and isn’t dealt with in a timely manner. It is a fire hazard as well as a health hazard to anyone living in the house. Damorie Construction is here to talk about some of the signs that can clue homeowners into a problem with their gas line.
Signs Your Gas Line Needs to be Repaired or Replaced
There are certain signs that are usually present when there is an issue with a gas line leading to a home. Here is what homeowners should be watching for:
– Rust & Cracks: As your home ages, you might start to notice that there are several things that need to be replaced. Your gas line might be one of them. Depending on the age of your home, your gas line might be starting to show signs of rust and corrosion. This can happen due to the moisture and oxygen content that is often present around these pipes. Cracks can often form because of the high pressure and other environment factors that impact gas lines. This can lead to gas leaks and even a pinched pipe which would be an emergency.
– Inadequate Gas to Appliances: Anytime you have damaged gas lines in your home, you can expect that the appliances that require natural gas to operate will not be getting the gas needed to work properly. If you notice that there are issues with one of your appliances, you need to have your gas line inspected for any issues.
– Rising Utility Bills: If you have a gas leak in your line somewhere, you are going to be paying for gas that is leaking out constantly without using it. This can lead to a sudden change in your utility bill. If you haven’t been watching your bill very closely, this is one reason to start paying closer attention.
– Odors: While natural gas is an odorless gas, there has been some Mercaptan that has a rotten egg smell so that a leak can be more easily detectable. Most people have clearly smelt natural gas and know exactly what it smells like. At the first sign of this odor in your home, you should be concerned about a gas leak somewhere and damage to your gas line.
Residential & Commercial Gas Line Installation Service & More in Orchard Park, Blasdell, West Seneca, Lackawanna, Cheektowaga, Buffalo NY & Western New York
If you are concerned about your gas line, you can turn to D’Amorie Construction to come check it out. If you need to have work done on your gas line, we will take care of it so that you don’t have to worry about your home being in danger of a fire or sickness due to the exposure of large amounts of natural gas. Call us today!